

1. First-chapter critique & edit: Up to 15 pages for $50

2. Manuscript read & critique: $350.

Note: this fee applies to a full story edit if you choose to go that route after the critique.

3. Full manuscript edit:

Good Writer rate for writing and storytelling that shows strong promise of reaching a publishable level is $15 per 1000 words. Multiply your word count times .015 to compute the fee. For example, the fee for a 90,000-word manuscript would be $1,350.

Comparisons: the CreateSpace rate for this level of editing would be $1980, Lulu.com would charge $2000-$5000.

Coaching rate: For writers who need more intensivecoaching and line editing, my rate is between $20 and $25 per 1000 words, depending on how much work I anticipate from the sample, if I decide to take you on.

Icons by http://dryicons.com)

design combo 32Design

1. Cover design

For Print & Internet: $350

For Internet only: $225

2. Interior design

The fee depends on the length and nature of the book and the work to be done. For fiction, a novel of 80,000 words would be about $400. As a rough guide, multiply your word count by .005. For longer books and nonfiction that requires graphics, it could be more. We will talk first, and I will want a look at the manuscript.

Note that commercial design services charge from $2.50 to $5 per page for interior design. For example, my 83,000-word novel, Gundown, would have cost between $700 and $1425 for the interior design, and my fee would have been $400.

dollar_currency_signPayment options

Editing: 50% up front, 50% when the edit is finished, though I will consider smaller payments over time.

Design: 50% upon approval of design approach, and 50% when finished.

Checks and money orders are great, and the payment button above offers PayPal and credit card options.

ISBN box 32Publishing help

Ebook formatting based on a word processor document with cover art provided. Amazon Kindle and other ebook vendors call for an .epub file.  $60.

Publishing account set-up: IngramSpark, Kindle Direct Publishing, etc.$25 per book (does not include cover design or editing).

Upload cover and text to publishing sites: $25

ISBN number:  $25 + cost of number (125).

Library of Congress control number $25 (the number is free).

page_fullebook package for $400

1. Cover design: A creative cover designed with web pages in mind.

2. .epub book for epub and Kindle ebooks: The formatting and design necessary to upload a quality Kindle book to Amazon and to Smashwords for distribution to  Barnes & Noble (Nook), Kobo, Apple, Sony, and others.

3. Amazon Kindle publishing set-up: Help with setting up your book info and uploading files (cover, . epub file ).

4. Smashwords publishing set-up: Help with account set-up and information needed, cover and formatted manuscript (includes free ISBN number from Smashwords).