ebook full-service package $400
1. Cover design: A creative cover designed with web pages in mind.
2. Kindle ebook .mobi file: The formatting and design necessary to upload a quality Kindle book to Amazon
3. formatting choices for .epub readers:
a. for Smashwords a correctly formatted .doc file. Publishing on Smashwords gives you a presence on Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple, Sony, and others.
b. for Barnes & Noble only .epub file for Nook
4. Amazon Kindle publishing account set-up: Help with setting up your book info and uploading files (cover, .mobi ebook file).
5. epub publishing account set-up choice of: Help with account set-up and information needed, cover and formatted manuscript
a. Smashwords account (includes free ISBN number from smashwords. You can add a custom “publisher” ISBN for an additional $9.95).
b. Barnes & Noble account (for sale only on Barnes & Noble website)
(For setting up all 3 accounts there is an additional $50 fee)
You get: cover image graphic file, .mobi file, and either .epub file or .doc file for Smashwords, uploading of files and cover images to your Kindle Publishing and Smashwords or Barnes & Noble accounts